Xi, October 1891
- Collection
The Shield and Diamond
- Date
Oct 1891
- Author
Pitts, John Douglas
- Chapter
- University
Military College of South CarolinaPresbyterian CollegeRhodes CollegeUniversity of South CarolinaWofford College
- Location
Columbia, South Carolina
- Era
1890s19th Century
- People Mentioned/Pictured
Bacot, Eugene CyrusBrantley, Thomas FrederickBrantley, Thomas FrederickBrimm, Daniel JohnstonByrd, Samuel C.Holley, J. B.Jacobs, William StatesPitts, John DouglasPope, Jenkins MikellPope, Jenkins MikellSmythe, Robert AdgerStewart, William W.Strother, Edwin FolkStrother, Edwin FolkWilkinson, Henry Brookman
- Subjects
The Pi Kappa Alpha Journal (Publication)